Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Residents say "no thanks" to naming their street Cam Newton Drive

Will 'Cam Newton Drive' be intercepted?

Published on blogs.ajc.com | shared via feedly
10:31 am July 24, 2012, by Joel Provano

While it might not be as bad as, say, Nick Fairley Boulevard, the proposal doesn't sit well with some of the residents of the road. As critics have pointed out, even though Newton played high school ball at nearby Westlake High, he played college ball at Auburn and now plays for the Carolina Panthers, a division rival of the Falcons.

According to a story last week by the AJC's Johnny Edwards:
Several longtime residents of south Fulton's Scarborough Road are irked that the county wants to change their street name in honor of Carolina Panthers quarterback Cam Newton, who has family living there. At a public hearing last week, neighbors said it would cost them money to change their personal records, and that Newton, age 23, is too young to have a thoroughfare named for him. One woman invoked Newton's theft arrest [when he was at Florida] and allegations that his father solicited money from a university [Auburn] recruiting his son.

South Fulton Commissioner Bill Edwards said personal attacks on Newton's family aren't warranted, that he's a Westlake High alumnus who "beat the odds," and if residents don't want Cam Newton Drive, the name will stay the same.


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