Tuesday, June 26, 2012

SKYNet is becoming self aware, y'all

What could go wrong?

In a Big Network of Computers, Evidence of Machine Learning 
Published on www.nytimes.com | shared via feedly
Inside Google’s secretive X laboratory, known for inventing self-driving cars and augmented reality glasses, a small group of researchers began working several years ago on a simulation of the human brain. There Google scientists created one of the largest neural networks for machine learning by connecting 16,000 computer processors, which they turned loose on the Internet to learn on its own.
Presented with 10 million digital images found in YouTube videos, what did Google’s brain do? What millions of humans do with YouTube: looked for cats. 

The neural network taught itself to recognize cats, which is actually no frivolous activity. This week the researchers will present the results of their work at a conference in Edinburgh, Scotland. The Google scientists and programmers will note that while it is hardly news that the Internet is full of cat videos, the simulation nevertheless surprised them. It performed far better than any previous effort by roughly doubling its accuracy in recognizing objects in a challenging list of 20,000 distinct items.
 Read the rest here.

So, Google is the real Cyberdyne Systems. Who knew?

The 600 series have rubber skin. We should spot them easy, so keep your eyes peeled.


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