Thursday, March 1, 2012

Vanity plate joke backfires

This is what you get for being too clever. An Irving, TX man installed a vanity plate on his Harley-Davidson motorcycle with the words “NO TAG.”

Hilarity ensues.

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"I saw a friend get a ticket that didn't have a license plate on his car," he said. "It said 'no tag,' and he didn't have to pay for it. It never came back to him, so I thought to myself, 'If I get this, maybe I won't have to worry about getting tickets, either,'" Thor said.

But the plate has the opposite effect.

Thor, a doctor and local executive with a large company, figures police officers and deputies are writing down "no tag" in the plate description when writing tickets for cars without license plates. And Thor, who paid extra to get "NO TAG," is getting the tickets.

But he said he doesn't plan on changing his license plate to avoid the problem.

Via NBC 10.

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