Friday, February 3, 2012

Gene Smith (sorta) defends Urban Meyer

TheyMadMeyer Ohio State Athletic Director Gene Smith issued a statement today in the wake of criticism of current Buckeye coach Urban Meyer. It doesn’t sound like Smith wants to hear about it from other coaches:

"I am disappointed that negative references have been made about our football coaches and particularly head coach Urban Meyer regarding recruiting.

“In our league appropriate protocol, if you have concerns, is to share those concerns with your athletic director. Then your athletic director will make the determination on the appropriate communications from that point forward.

“The athletic directors in our league are professionals and communicate with each other extremely well. Urban Meyer and his staff have had a compliance conscience since they’ve arrived."

Immediately after swiping a plethora of Big 10 prospects from other conference programs and signing them Wednesday, coaches in the league complained bitterly that Meyer was stepping over the line. Michigan State called Meyer’s tactics “unethical.” Wisconsin’s Bret Bielema suggested that what Meyer was doing ran afoul of NCAA regulations, an ominous allegation with the Buckeyes currently under probation for Jim Tressel’s TattooGate scandal.

According to a report from Brandon Castel at the-ozone,net, Meyer fired back during a speaking engagement at a high school coaches meeting earlier today.

"You're pissed because we went after a committed guy? Guess what, we got nine guys who better go do it again," he said motioning to his assistants in the front of the room. "Do it a little harder next time."

It doesn’t look like Meyer was impressed or intimidated by yesterday’s salvo from his colleagues.

Exit Question: How long before that league is absolutely run over by Meyer?

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Brink said...

B10 feelins hurt? Welcome to the SEC coach Bielema :)

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