Thursday, February 17, 2011

BingoGate: Massey released to FBI custody

As was widely expected, US Magistrate Judge Wallace Capel has released Jarrod Massey into the custody of Special Agent Keith Baker of the FBI. Having court-ordered custody of Massey allows the FBI to interview him without having a US Marshall present. The government had requested that the FBI have Massey until August.

Capel’s order grants custody until May 26.


Over the last weekend, a dizzying number of court documents were filed, including an order from District Judge Myron Thompson for a hearing held Tuesday. The large number of documents filed led some to speculate that Thompson was preparing to dismiss a significant number of counts against multiple defendants.

That speculation proved fruitless, as the hearing held Tuesday was to hear arguments on continuing the trial until a later date. Judge Thompson agreed with defendants that moving the trial to June would facilitate logistics and allow defendants more time to go over the thousands of wiretaps that form the central basis of evidence in the case.

A significant portion of the filings from the weekend consisted of government briefs in opposition to the myriad of pretrial motions filed by the defendants. Almost all of the defendants have filed motions to dismiss, motions to exclude, motions to suppress, etc. It’s standard pretrial fare, and in a case as large and complex as this, it keeps the court clerks busy.

Exit question: How many new indictments will result from Massey’s continued cooperation, and who might the targets of the expanded probe be?

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