Monday, January 31, 2011

BingoGate: Coker seeks the identity of… a snitch?

Sure looks like things are moving in the BingoGate case today. A flurry of court filings (eight already, and more likely coming) has kept the clerk’s office busy. One of the more interesting filings comes from Tom Coker, one of the two lobbyists said to be working for Milton McGregor. Coker was the defendant who filed the first motions to compel access to wiretap binders and FD-302 forms documenting witness interviews. Coker and the other defendants obtained the binders on January 18 and the FD-302's were to be delivered today (or earlier).

At some point in the last two weeks or so, Coker filed a motion seeking to compel the government to reveal the identity of someone connected to the case. The government has opposed that request, and today Coker is filing a response to the government’s opposition—all under seal:



That this motion has come after the government began producing the wiretap and/or documentary evidence Coker had requested strongly suggests that someone outside the original 11 defendants is on tape, Coker’s defense is concerned about what is being said, and they want to know who that individual is.

So now we have a new question to ponder. Who the hell is it, and what has one of Milton McGregor’s lobbyists so worried?

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