Authorities in San Diego (finally) discovered a sophisticated and well equipped tunnel system beneath the US and Mexico border. They said the underground system ran for nearly a half mile, and included such amenities as a rail system, ventilation systems and fluorescent lighting. Oh, and… they also discovered about 40 tons of marijuana.
Meanwhile, about 1,000 miles to the north, authorities there were taking a Somali-born, nationalized US citizen into custody for allegedly attempting to set off a van stuffed with explosives using a cell phone detonator.
But, closing the border and enforcing US drug and human trafficking laws, as well as protecting citizens from random, soft-target attacks… that’s no big deal. Because these are “isolated incidents” and the public was never really in danger.
Chief Michael Reese stated, “This threat was very real but at no point was the public ever in danger. The cooperation of various law enforcement agencies was critical in making this case. I appreciate the partnership we have with the FBI and I’m very proud of the Portland Police Bureau’s role in this investigation. The Portland Police Bureau works to maintain the highest level of safety for our community and this case stands as an example of our commitment to the people we serve.”
Mayor Sam Adams said, “A smart federal, state and local law enforcement investigation caught a criminal tonight bent on mass destruction and murder in our city.” “The bomb was a fake but evidence shows the criminal who tried to detonate it was real. My deepest thanks to the local teams at the United States Department of Justice, FBI, Portland Police Bureau, and other local agencies who were instrumental in protecting our community.”
We know who the terrorists are. We know their ethnicity, their religious affiliation, their gender, age and we know what their aims are. We know who the drug cartels are. We know their ethnicity, their gender, age and what their aims are.
But God forbid we profile them. It might be a violation of their civil rights.
Meanwhile, we’re stuck having to wonder whether we’re safe at a Christmas Tree Lighting.
How long is it before the terrorists and the drug cartels realize that their goals are not at all dissimilar, and start working together?
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