Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Continuing the investigation into Project Gulf Impact: Questions, questions, questions

Interesting.  Soon after this blog post was published, the PGI website made changes to its donation page.  The information shown on the new page is much different from the previous version, snapshot here:
The organization still claims to be working under California law regarding non-profit organizations, and still claims to be pursuing Federal 501(c)(3) status. 

Gone however, are the paragraphs describing how the organization intended to use funds raised through donations.  Is there something to hide, here? This doesn’t look good, folks.  PGI was contacted via email at 8:40 am CDT on October 5, 2010, and asked to provide specifics regarding its charitable status.  As of this post’s publish time of 8:53 pm CDT on October 5, 2010, the organization had not responded.  As of the current post’s publish time of 4:10 pm CDT on October 6, 2010, the organization had still not responded.

Yet, after being contacted via email and after the story ran yesterday, PGI has made significant changes to their primary fundraising solicitation document—the document they used to solicit the charitable contributions documented in the previous post.

PGI should answer the following requests so that donors can determine whether the organization is operating in an honorable way:
  1. Please provide the name and/or contact information for the individual responsible for maintaining your organization's charitable trust or charity status.
  2. Please provide the name and/or contact information for the individual at the University of Southern California responsible for the University's status as your fiscal sponsor.
  3. Please provide the approximate amount of travel and related expenses in connection with members’ most recent trip to the Gulf Coast.
  4. Please provide the approximate amount of expenses associated with leasing, purchasing and/or occupying the organization’s headquarters in Port Sulphur, Louisiana.
  5. Please provide information on the workshops and “teach-ins” on health-related issues identified in the earlier fundraising solicitation page.
  6. Please provide the approximate amount of funds expended to purchase “aid in the way of supplies, gas cards and other necessary materials for Gulf residents,” as mentioned in the earlier fundraising solicitation page.
  7. Please provide details regarding and the approximate costs of  “the independent air and water testing” activities mentioned in the earlier fundraising solicitation page.
  8. Please provide the names, qualifications and curriculum vitae of the “independent doctors and experts” mentioned in the earlier fundraising solicitation page.
  9. Please provide any information regarding the degree of financial support that PGI is receiving from Coffee Party USA.
  10. Please provide any information regarding the degree of financial support that PGI is receiving from Netroots Nation.
These are not difficult questions to answer.  If PGI is indeed operating in a lawful and honorable manner, this information will be readily available.  PGI need not contact this blog or its staff.  Posting the information in a public area on the PGI website will suffice.


Anonymous said...

I wouldn't expect them too, you are on the right track with PGI, Casey N and Gregg H. I am not sure where you are getting your information but it's shocking how close you are. There is one more bit player out there too.

Alex said...

Complete trash with no truth. You are actually saying that the situation in the gulf is perfectly fine. Gulf Impact hasnt promoted man made global warming ONE TIME.

You are basically telling your views that its all good in the Gulf and all the evidence isn't real.


Id like to see you tell the hundreds of people who are suffering from poisoning that everything is fine.

David L. said...

Alex needs to follow the bouncing ball in the previous post.

The individual responsible for registering PGI's domain name is a filmmaker who made a NOAA-sponsored documentary on the climate change debate, called "Proof or Propaganda?"

Please keep up.

David L. said...

And I'm not saying all is well and good on the Gulf.

I'm questioning the credibility of someone who says it isn't.

Big difference.