- Sarah Palin Politely Confronts Protester; Lefties Go Nuts. Keep it classy, Democrats.
- Ground Zero Mosque (Actually, Two-Blocks-from-Ground-Zero Mosque). As disgusting as the prospect is, the Constitution's free exercise and free expression clauses are clear. So...
- MONDAY'S GREGALOGUE: MY NEW GAY BAR. -- Next door to the Ground Zero mosque. We had fun helping him name it last night on Twitter. Search the hashtags #gutfeldgaybarnames #GutfeldGayBar, and...
- MTA Caves: Ground Zero Bus Campaign Will Run. Ad depicts a plane flying toward the World Trade Center, and an artist's rendering of the proposed mosque near ground zero.
- Rove Fills in for Rush, Yuks It Up. It sounded like he was having as much fun as Rush does.
- Relief well expected to intercept damaged oil well in Gulf of Mexico on Sunday. End game, baby. No oil now for weeks, but this is calling in the dogs and pissing on the fire.
- Obama Overtures to Business Fall Flat. The man who's never made a payroll tries to chat up men who, well, make payroll.
- Compensation gap between federal, private jobs doubles. Getting paid a lot more to work a lot less.
- Senate faces full September agenda. A tremendous opportunity for... the GOP to blow an opportunity to make Democrats publicly stand for or against raising taxes in a down economy. We're watching.
- Cheney Released From Hospital After Heart Surgery. Liberals everywhere are dismayed. Good luck and God's Speed, Mr. Vice President.
Gimme some feedback in the comments.
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