As my fellow Gulf Coastians are probably aware, Spanish Fort Mayor Mike McMillan turned himself in and was booked into the Baldwin County Jail October 31, 2019. He was charged with misdemeanor harassment charges and was released on bond.
The charges stem from a confrontation that allegedly occurred October 1, and security video footage was apparently reviewed by law enforcement officials. The female alleged victim had filed a complaint and then asked for and received a warrant for her to sign. After she signed the warrant, Mack's attorney was notified and the Mayor turned himself in. He was released on bond in about an hour.
It is worth noting that the alleged victim accused him of slapping her. She eventually got her warrant, but he was not charged with assault.
On Monday, November 4, Mack released a public statement:
"I want to thank everyone for the tremendous outpouring of support I have received since these charges have been brought. I look forward to having my day in court where all the evidence will come forth, and the truth will come out. I am proud to have served the people of this community for 17 years on the Planning Commission, City Council, and Mayor. I am satisfied that, after a full and fair hearing, the allegations against me will be disproved, and I will be exonerated."I have known this guy since the mid-1990's, long before he got interested in electoral politics. I got to know him through our mutual membership in a Mardi Gras mystic society. Mack served on the executive committee and board of directors, eventually serving as President and Emblem of the krewe. There has never been even the slightest indication that he's a violent man.
I have not spoken to him since this incident, but I have followed his public involvement and his eventual election as Mayor of Spanish Fort. There was no doubt in my mind that the city had good leadership.
Mack demonstrated that leadership during some rather difficult times for the krewe. People on the other side of the barricades may not comprehend the work, stress and fatigue that comes with putting on one of our area's largest and most important cultural attractions. During his years in leadership, I never once saw Mack enraged enough to raise a hand in anger. There were plenty of opportunities for him to get outside of himself, but I never saw it happen.
I obviously don't know everything about him. I obviously did not witness the alleged confrontation. But if Mack says he wasn't violent, I believe him.
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