Friday, November 29, 2019

Hong Kong protesters stand together, sing OUR National Anthem after Trump signs support legislation

This is after their elections, and this is done in full knowledge that America has just celebrated an important national holiday of giving thanks. They're thanking us for the bipartisan law President Trump just signed.

The legislation passed earlier this month provides for more monitoring the independent status of the former British colony. It also allows for sanctions to be imposed if the Chinese government attempts to rein in the tiny island's liberties, which they agreed to respect in the treaty that the west negotiated in returning Hong Kong to Chinese control in 1999.

The island has been rocked with first peaceful, then violent protests over what was seen by residents as attempts to enforce communist rules and roll back legal rights.

Earlier this week, Hong Kong voters overwhelmingly rejected pro-Beijing legislators in the island's only means of official expression of displeasure over the changes Beijing wanted to move forward.

To have thousands of protesters singing a free country's national anthem must really stick in Beijing's craw.

This is beautiful beyond description.


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