Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Continued: Project Veritas drops another BOMB on CNN

"The most trusted name in news..." can be trusted to pick winners and losers in the Democrat debates. If you're a Democrat and you're undecided still on who to support for the 2020 nomination for President, you will don't have to watch the debate tonight. CNN has already decided who the winners and losers will be.

Project Veritas and James O'Keefe plan to continue dropping the bombs on the network all week.
It won't matter if one or two of the candidates currently drawing single digit support can carefully articulate a policy position you like. It won't matter if it has the legs to really move the discussion. CNN has already decided that it's a loser because Zucker likes someone else better.

It's not like CNN has much credibility left to trash. Remember, this is the network that in 2017 ran a bogus story based on one unnamed source claiming Trump pal Anthony Scaramucci was to be indicted for his ties to a Russian investment fund. The network ended up retracting the story and the three "journalists" were sacrificial scapegoats. They also claimed they had evidence that Donald Trump Jr. had been offered advance access to hacked Democratic emails in Wikileaks' possession. Also false, but this one dirtied MSNBC and Dirty Dan Rather's old outfit, CBS News.

Oh... guess who's televising the debate tonight?

Bonus coverage:


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