Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Mobile River Bridge Plan is Fatally Flawed: Reason 9

I submitted an independent review of the Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement (SDEIS) to the Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) on July 10, 2019. As of this writing, ALDOT has not acknowledged receipt of my report, containing 19 specific issues with the project's decision document. The SDEIS is the most important document pertaining to the project. The bridge and bayway replacement cannot go forward without it.

The document is fatally flawed.

Since ALDOT has neither publicly nor even privately acknowledged that they are aware of these 19 specific problems with their decision document, I am sharing them with you, one at a time.

Comment 9: The SDEIS references an unpublished ALDOT toll policy and the public cannot review it for reasonableness, fairness or legality.

Basis: The referenced policy has not been published. Or, if it has been published the public was never informed about its existence or given the ability to review it. 

ALDOT’s authority to establish policies generating income for the state or its contractors is likely to be challenged, as there is a belief only the state legislature may raise revenues.

Without resolution, this issue is unlikely to halt finalization of the SDEIS.


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