Sunday, February 17, 2013

Man loses BCS title game bet, forced to wear Speedo

Cleveland Indians trainer loses BCS title game bet, forced to wear Speedo at spring training
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As Major League Baseball started spring training in Arizona and Florida, one Cleveland Indians trainer by the name of Michael Salazar was probably dreading its start.

Why you ask? Salazar had made a bet with strength and conditioning coach Joe Kessler regarding the BCS National Championship Game between Notre Dame and the University of Alabama back in January. Michael lost the bet after he sided with the Irish and had to pay up by donning an Alabama hat and red Speedo while tending to players in Goodyear, Arizona last Friday.

The original bet only needed Salazar to don the hat and Speedo but Indians pitcher Justin Masterson decided to make the bet even more memorable by stealing Michael's shirt.
Mash taters.

Not posting the pics  because... well... what has been seen cannot be unseen. 


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