Bill Would Require Annual UT vs. A&M Football Game, by Reeve Hamilton
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Via Texas Tribune.A bill that would require the University of Texas at Austin and Texas A&M University to face each other on the football field every year was filed on Monday by state Rep. Ryan Guillen, D-Rio Grande City.The two flagship universities had a longstanding football rivalry, playing each other every year from 1914 until this past season. That all came to an end in 2012 following A&M's move to the Southeastern Conference."This game is as much a Texas tradition as cowboy boots and barbeque," Guillen, an A&M graduate, said. "The purpose of the bill is to put the eyes of Texas upon our two greatest universities to restore this sacred Texas tradition."House Bill 778, as filed, does not specify when the game should occur, but it does offer a penalty should it fail to happen: Whichever institution refused to participate in the showdown would suffer restrictions on its athletic scholarships.
So, does this have a chance of being passed and signed by the governor? The bill is sponsored by an A&M grad, and governor Rick Perry is also an Aggie. A&M is the program most interested in restoring the annual rivalry. Austin doesn't show any interest at all and arguably wields the most influence in the state.
It should make for some interesting debates on the floor.
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