The rest will just have to live vicariously through others, but if you’re at all on the fence on this consider the rarity of the moment. Alabama doesn’t always throw parades when they win championships, so who knows when you’ll have this chance again? Additionally, while we’d like to hope otherwise, back to back championships are extremely uncommon and this is the first one of my lifetime. You can pack up the family and enjoy a moment that you can talk about for years to come.
If that’s not enough for you, currently has a splash page up with some info about the events. They also have a more thorough page with specific information. Highlights include a chance to take a picture with the three BCS trophies, free limited national championship beads, mini footballs, and posters, and perhaps coolest of all a chance to walk on the field at Bryant-Denny.
Personally, I think the parade itself and the chance to show support for the players and all they’ve done should be reason enough to go, but the goodies should add some extra enticement. You can bring your kids, take a picture with the trophies, walk on the field with them, and have an enduring memory. What else were you planning on doing on a Saturday? Some typical weekend activity you can do on any other weekend?
Also, it appears there will be other BCS stuff for sale, including commemorative cups and that sort of things and “All fans attending the parade and the post-parade event can park at any legal parking space on the UA campus.”. In case that wasn’t enough, you can go watch Alabama play Texas A&M in basketball after the festivities.
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