Thursday, October 11, 2012

The NCAA bans instagram filters… What could go wrong?

Dead serious, y’all.

Question: May a coach take a photo and use software (e.g., Instagram, Photoshop, Camera Awesome, Camera+,) to enhance the content of the photo (e.g., changed color of photo to sepia tones or add content to the photograph), and send it to a prospective student-athlete as an attachment it to an email or direct social media message?

Answer: No, a photograph that has been altered or staged for a recruiting purpose cannot be sent to a prospective student-athlete.

“Staged or altered for a recruiting purpose” would seem to apply more to instances where the photo was either taken solely for the purposes of recruiting or where the photo was altered beyond just applying a filter. Adding text, using Photoshop to insert the prospect into a scene, mocking up scenes involving the prospect, that sort of thing. What recruiting advantage is possibly gained with sepia tones or a fake old timey frame on a photo? And what cost savings or competitive equity is achieved by restricting the use of free or 99 cent iPhone apps?

It’s seriously a very good thing that few in Nick Saban’s staff are avid users of social media such as Twitter and Facebook. Otherwise, this announcement will send Auburn zealots scurrying around, digging through tweets and updates, desperately trying to find a filtered instagram photo.

Don’t you dare doubt that would happen, either.

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