Thursday, August 23, 2012

Mississippi State confirms NCAA investigation

Brandon Marcello, beat writer for the Clarion-Ledger, confirms that Mississippi State is being investigated for recruiting improprieties. He published a statement from the school on his Facebook page:

Mississippi State statement: "Over the last several months, Mississippi State has worked in cooperation with the NCAA to examine a potential recruiting irregularity. We are nearing the end of this examination, and it is our intent to provide additional details when it is complete."

Well, that explains the abrupt resignation of wide receivers coach Angelo Mirando, who cited “personal reasons” for his sudden departure.

ESPN also reported that the NCAA was interested in the recruitment of Mississippi State freshman wide receiver Will Redmond.

Redmond is from Memphis, the same area as Jovon Robinson, who was also reported to be under NCAA scrutiny for an academic scandal that made him ineligible at Auburn.


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