Pinkel owes break to older Saban
Published on Columbia Trib | shared via feedly
Read the rest.“I think Gary is a great coach,” Saban said and later added, “Looking at his team at Missouri, he has a good team, and I think they’ll compete extremely well in our league.”
It was not the first time Saban gave a good review of his former Kent State teammate. He also notified Pinkel about and recommended him for the vacant head coaching job at Toledo when Saban left the post to take the defensive coordinator position with the Cleveland Browns in 1991.
Pinkel was then at the end of his seventh season as the offensive coordinator at Washington and had interviewed unsuccessfully for jobs the previous December at his alma mater and Bowling Green, where he’d been an assistant coach.
“My wife didn’t think I’d ever get hired anywhere if you couldn’t get hired at two places you’ve been,” Pinkel said. “Then Nick calls me up.”
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