Monday, July 23, 2012

Morning Six Pack: July 23, 2012

imageHappy Monday, football fans. Please enjoy these six college football stories from around the country… responsibly.

Penn State to Receive ‘Punitive Measures’ 

The NCAA will announce penalties against Penn State on Monday in the wake of the child sex abuse scandal involving Jerry Sandusky, a former football coach.

Lucrative TV deal could start Bowlsby's Big 12 tenure with a bang

A blockbuster 13-year, $2.56 billion TV deal with Fox and ESPN has been pending since spring as lawyers for the Big 12 and the networks comb through the contractual fine print.

Former college football coach Jim Carlen dies

Jim Carlen, who coached South Carolina's only Heisman Trophy winner and also led West Virginia and Texas Tech to success, died Sunday. He was 79.

Champions Bowl looks for lucrative home as SEC, Big 12 try to mirror Rose Bowl

Atlanta eyes Champions Bowl, national semifinal and/or national championship.

SEC football coaches approve of four-team playoff

SEC football coaches, to a man, support the new four-team college football playoff system that goes into effect for the 2014 season, and why shouldn't they?


Still, the speed of the process made some in the business uncomfortable. In March, an athletic director at a power conference school told me it concerned him that one man could push his agenda so forcefully. That athletic director wasn't alone. The override votes on the multiyear scholarship and stipend plans told us that.

This is obviously a different situation, but the upshot is the same. The NCAA's policies exist because the member schools voted them into existence. To bypass them is to silence the voices of the governed. So while it may satisfy the mob if Emmert hands down a sentence that crushes Penn State's football program, it should cause every athletic director and university president in the nation to question whether his school has a voice in the NCAA anymore.

Penn State will get penalized Monday. Then what? What happens the next time the agreed-upon process moves too slow for Emmert and he decides to play judge, jury and executioner for a different school? It's one thing when Commissioner Roger Goodell does that in a private business such as the NFL. It's quite another in the NCAA, which has a membership consisting mostly of public universities. Hopefully, Emmert will treat this like the emergency it is and hand back those powers as quickly as he grabbed them.

Human nature and history suggest that isn't easy.

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