The BAMSRadio crew had a special guest on the show last night—syndicated talk radio host Robert "Rob" Redding Jr.of Atlanta’s WAOK-AM.
The show kicked off at 8:00 pm CDT. Redding’s segment started at about 30 minutes in and ran a solid half hour.
On the show, Redding spoke at length about recent allegations by an Atlanta area father of two Auburn college students who accused Auburn football players Reese Dismukes and Patrick Miller of an incident in which the two harassed his children, using racist and sexist slurs. Henry M. Carter told Redding that Auburn police arrested his son, Kenya.
Carter later told Redding that Auburn police informed him that the charges against his son would be dropped.
Auburn police have repeatedly refused to comment on the incident or the arrest, but Redding indicated that something would happen on the matter today (without being terribly specific, however).
Here’s the podcast.
Redding is no lightweight. He’s an author of two books and has been cited by numerous mainstream news agencies including Atlanta Journal-Constitution, ABC News, The Boston Globe, The Baltimore Sun, The Washington Times and Editor & Publisher.
Redding is a frequent guest on the Fox News Channel and National Public Radio, and Talkers magazine noted his uniquely Independent views on government by listing him as one of the “100 Most Important Radio Talk Hosts In America.”
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