Football needs beer, beer needs football and you need to check out these six college football stories from around the country.
Nate Montana transfers to D2 school
Nate Montana, the son of NFL Hall of Famer Joe Montana, will continue his own quarterback career with NCAA Division II school West Virginia Wesleyan following a transfer from the University of Montana.
Nick Saban wraps up Crimson Caravan tour
There's football season, then recruiting season, followed by spring practice. Not much changes in the Alabama football routine. It's currently the slow time for players, but show time for coach Nick Saban. The road is his home in May.
Irish WR popped for minor consumption
Suffice to say, this hasn’t been a postcard last couple of weeks for Brian Kelly‘s Notre Dame football program on the off-field front. The latest Irish player to find himself on the wrong side of the legal tracks is wide receiver DaVaris Daniels, who was one of nearly 30 individuals cited for consumption of alcohol by a minor on May 13.
Alabama vs West Virginia: WE MUST PROTECT THIS COUCH!
OK, by now you've heard what has lit up the college football interwebs this afternoon, Alabama and West Virginia are looking at a matchup in the 2014 Chick-fil-A Kickoff Game in Atlanta's Georgia Dome. Numerous sources claim Coach Saban has said this at recent Crimson Caravan events and, earlier this afternoon, The Charleston Daily Mail's WVU beat writer, Mike Casazza, confirmed it.
USC paid Lane & Monte Kiffin $3.9M in 2010
The University of Southern California paid head football coach Lane Kiffin $2.4 million in 2010 and paid his father, assistant head coach Monte Kiffin, more than $1.5 million, according to the school's new federal tax return.The return, obtained Wednesday by USA TODAY Sports, means Monte Kiffin was -- and likely remains -- the nation's highest-paid college football assistant coach.
Meyer stresses accountability, leadership
Meyer pulls no punches and holds no regard for ego or feelings. Each 15-minute meeting included Meyer sharing an evaluation from the strength coaches, an evaluation from the assistant coaches who work closely with the player, an academic evaluation and the final answer from the man hired to be The Answer in moving Ohio State's program past the turbulence of the last 17 months and on to a bright, championship-laden future.
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