Monday, May 14, 2012

Jim Delany would like to revise and extend his remarks

Ever the consummate politician, Big 10's Jim Delany would like to revise and extend his remarks on whether Alabama's berth in the BCS Championship Game was legit.

B1G: Delany didn't target Bama with remark
When Big Ten commissioner Jim Delany meets reporters Tuesday at the league's spring meetings in Chicago, he won't be wearing a houndstooth hat and singing "Sweet Home Alabama."

Delany likely will, however, point out that he didn't target the Alabama Crimson Tide with his now infamous "that team" remark in discussing scenarios for college football's future postseason structure. In case you missed it, Delany last week told the Associated Press that the postseason format shouldn't include teams that failed to win their division.

The Big Ten recently sent an explanation of Delany's remarks, which includes a list of teams that finished in the final four of the BCS standings despite not winning their conference or, in some cases their division. The league also provided a list of league champions that finished No. 5 or No. 6 in the standings, and would presumably be left out of a playoff if selections were based entirely on the top 4 rather than other factors. Delany has turned down recent interview requests to discuss the postseason models.


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