The evidence strongly suggests that they are. And, not just a few Democrats in bottom-of-the-ballot races, either. In an exclusive, wide ranging and compelling report, blogger and Twitter user Greg W. Howard lays out the case. He has assembled a preponderant body of evidence that documents a coordinated effort by activists to bully, harass and threaten conservatives and Tea Party activists online:
Nexus Of The Strategy
Meet Neal Rauhauser, (pictured on the left) a Founder of Progressive PST (PPST). Rauhauser is a Community Organizer, a network manager with Cisco ratings, a political activist, a radical environmentalist, an extreme-leftist blogger and on Twitter as @StrandedWind, @NealRauhauser, and formerly as @WingNutWatch, a now defunct account which was detailed in the prior investigation. Rauhauser admitted on DailyKOS he had created this account. KosAdmission
Beth Becker is a co-founder of PPST and on Twitter as @SpedWhyBabs, @BethABecker and @RealSped. Beth quotes on her site that she attended “Netroots Nation 09, where the ‘Blog Workers Industrial Union’ and ‘Progressive PST’ were born.”
Their company twitter account is @ProgressivePST. Together, Neal and Beth are doing everything they can; taking a no holds barred approach, while pushing and shoving people into submission toward progressive transformation and straight off the proverbial cliff.
Rauhauser recently wrote that the entire Republican Party, the Koch brothers, everyone with Citizens United and each person with the Tea Party are all racists who want “economic ethnic-cleansing in Arizona’s District 05.” Rauhauser’s rationale for such a statement is “SB1070 and the ugly mood in Arizona overall, but I really think that was the ‘in-district calculus.’” He actually used the term “in-district calculus,” while blaming others for controlling society. This seems to reveal a cold and calculating desire to win, regardless of consequences.
One might think that Rauhauser’s above hateful rhetoric is a rarity—maybe not since Hitler employed this tactic has it been so public and linked to politicians (listed below) — that is, until one examines the rest of the evidence and the associations that have come to light with the “volunteer group of social activists” and those that appear to be paid to harass and threaten private citizens.
Mr. Howard’s investigative report goes on to document the implementation of the coordinated effort, collecting a large number of despicably graphic tweets, some suggesting that conservatives’ and Tea Party activists’ children might become targets of sexual violence.
Howard doesn’t stop there, though. He concludes his piece by documenting which candidates (all Democrats, not surprisingly) have hired or consulted with Rauhauser’s vile organization:
According to the PPST site client page, the following are listed as clients and have hired Neal Rauhauser’s company to represent their message and to handle their social-media interests:
Rodney Glassman Candidate For Senate, AZ
David Cozad Candidate For TX-06
Billy Kennedy Candidate For NC-05
Lois Herr Candidate For PA-16
Hank Gilbert Candidate For TX Agriculture Commissioner
Brett Carter Candidate For TN-06
Lance Enderle Candidate For MI-08
Scott McAdams Candidate For Senate, AK
Manan Trivedi Candidate For PA-06
John Bottoroff Candidate For IN-09
Ryan Bucchianeri Candidate For PA-12
Joe Hoeffel Candidate For Governor, PA
Connie Saltonstall Candidate For MI-01
Mr. Howard’s investigation and blog post provide compelling evidence that a very desperate group of Democrats—searching for anything that will help them avoid the November bloodbath—have stooped to the lowest level. This kind of activity has no place in a public, civil discourse. They have elected to abandon legitimate debate on the issues because the voters are against them on everything they stand for. So, they’ve gone below the belt in a despicable attempt to bully, harass and silence opponents.
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