From The Hill: Next possible Defense secretary: Hillary Rodham Clinton?
Say it ain’t so. I realize that there’s a small pool of qualified candidates to head the world’s largest and most effective military, but Hillary Rodham Clinton? SRSLY?
Speculation in the nation's capital on who will replace Robert Gates at the Pentagon has centered on an intriguing possibility: Hillary Rodham Clinton.
“The military loves her. They love her,” said Leslie Gelb, a former president of the Council on Foreign Relations. Gelb floated the possibility of a Foggy Bottom-to-Pentagon move for Clinton in a Wall Street Journal op-ed earlier this year.
The appointment of Clinton to replace Gates would be historic. The former first lady and presidential candidate would be the first woman to serve as Defense secretary and only the second person – after George C. Marshall – to have served as both secretary of State and Defense.
“That might appeal to her,” Gelb said.
The military loves her? Are you sure you want to go there, lefties?
Does anyone remember this famous photo of a soldier expressing his love and enduring respect for the former First Lady, erstwhile Presidential candidate and sitting Secretary of State?
Gimme some feedback in the comments.
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