- Reid against plan to build mosque near ground zero—As repugnant as he is, at least Harry Reid can count votes and knows when to steer clear of a powder keg.
- Robert Gates plans to retire next year—Good sense leadership will be hard to replace, especially from the motley crew Obama will likely choose from.
- GOP's DeLay relieved and defiant after Justice ends six-year investigation—Tom “The Hammer” DeLay emerges victorious after “racist!” DOJ drops probe.
- Facts Obama Doesn’t Want You to Connect – Anita Moncrief lays it all out.
- Holy Frickin' Reagan: Best Advertorial You'll See—Video from the Republican Study Committee. Must see TV.
- It Begins... Dem Congresswoman Brings In Street Thug at Town Hall—Gotta keep those violent little middle-aged dudes and little old ladies from getting too… violent.
- Newsweek Calls For All-Out Assault on Tea Party Movement—These people… When will they ever learn that the Tea Party is motivated by fiscal issues, not racial or social issues?
- A Stubborn Man Without Conviction—Obama votes “present” again.
- Teen sex doesn't always lead to bad grades—WTF is the point of conducting studies like this? Is this the kind of research that science thinks we’re really interested in paying for?
- Ambassador John Bolton: Israel Has 8 Day Deadline to Attack Iran (Video)—Once the rods are loaded into the reactor, any kind of damage would cause a release of radiation.
- Georgia scientists say 80 percent of spilled BP oil remains in Gulf of Mexico—And that teaspoon of baking soda I put in my garden pond last month? I bet 80% of that is still there, too. The poison is in the dosage…
- Drilling in the Great Lakes: Background and Issues—Why not?
- Universities Teach Degrees in 'Unemployment Studies'—Just for LOLZ
- Ackerman, Yglesias, and Krugman: A particularly Machiavellian moment for the Left—For one side of the political spectrum, the means justify the ends.
- White House Reaffirms Afghan Strategy, Despite Petraeus Remarks—And Gates announces his retirement. Hmm…
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