Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Secretariat Salazarovich: I will give you Deepwater Moratorium 2.0, peasants!

As early as Sunday, the Obama regime is expected to hand down Deepwater Drilling Moratorium 2.0.  In a statement issued late yesterday afternoon,секретариат Salazarovich angrily exclaimed to the Gulf Coast's oil and gas industry: "We will bury you!"

This of course, comes after US Federal Judge Martin Feldman scolded the regime for its heavyhanded and overbearing Deepwater Drilling Moratorium 1.0 and granted a request for an injunction barring enforcement of a sweeping six-month ban on offshore drilling. Feldman beat the Department and Secretariat Salazarovich about the head, neck and shoulders area using the tried and true bludgeon you and I know as the "Rule of Law."

But this regime, this Büro des Zentralkomitee, is possessed of an arrogance that is as breathtaking as it is alarming.  Salazarovich's statement, and Press Secretariat Robert Gibbsochev's comments yesterday to the media TASS show that they didn't seem to get Judge Feldman's point:

Salazar pointed to indications of inadequate safety precautions by industry on deepwater wells. "Based on this ever-growing evidence, I will issue a new order in the coming days that eliminates any doubt that a moratorium is needed, appropriate, and within our authorities."

White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said President Obama believes that until investigations can determine why the spill happened, continued deepwater drilling exposes workers and the environment to "a danger that the president does not believe we can afford."

Did they even bother to read Judge Feldman's ruling?  Oh, wait...

We already know why the spill happened.  BP made a series of risky decisions to cut corners down hole and the Obama regime's Department of Interior rubber stamped it.  Boom.  We also know why they can't get the spill under control.  BP's spill response plan was crap and no one in the Obama regime has the balls to take executive command of the situation.  Slosh. 

What we don't know is why the Politburo in Washington thinks that Judge Feldman isn't likely to issue a subpoena sua sponte and have Salazarovich appear before the Court and in a hearing to show cause why he should not be held in contempt. 

Extra Point:  Appeals courts almost never substitute their analysis of a case's facts for the analysis of the trial judge, just as the trial judge is not to substitute his judgement for that of the agency.  Feldman found no link between the evidence produced by the agency and the punitively broad nature of the moratorium. The appeals court is not going to reverse the decision based on analysis.  They will only overturn his decision as a matter of law, not of fact.

Gimme some feedback in the comments.


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