Monday, April 26, 2010

More on that Bogus Special Army Unit Story

I did some fact checking on a viral rumor making the rounds on twitter and a few outre blogs, regarding a scary, secret, "special army unit" that was set to deploy within the US "just before the November elections." As I expected, the story proved to be completely ginned up and provided more proof that the black helicopter crowd still has a very active imagination.

Grim at BlackFive gives his view of this Bravo Sierra from a military perspective:

What? A brigade combat team composed of 80,000 troops? That's like twenty times as large as a BCT. FT Stewart doesn't house nearly that many people, troops and family included.

When the left heard that President Bush was putting together this force, they freaked about it. Don't ya'll freak too. Commanders in Chief come and go; the sun and the moon may change, but the Army knows no seasons.

The gist of Grim's post is that whoever made up this nonsensical story has nary a clue about the military and that the notion of 80,000 combat troops deploying anywhere is a major undertaking. Grim says "Bravo Sierra," and you should, too.


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