Saturday, September 21, 2019

When Donald Trump lays a trap, and the lefty media outlets warn "It's a Trap!"

Remember folks... Donald Trump doesn't play by the swamp's rules. He plays by his own and so far he is undefeated.
Despite the outrage that greeted reports of the president’s actions, Biden’s immediate response was no simple matter. His son Hunter Biden’s lucrative contracts with Ukraine — at the same time the vice president was in charge of U.S. policy toward the country raised — raised the prospect of fueling a narrative with downside political risk for Biden
“This puts him on the ropes over having to talk about this,” said Patrick Murray, a pollster with Monmouth University. “He certainly doesn’t want to talk about this, his family.” 
Murray suggested the ethical dimensions of the controversy — and the implications of Trump’s actions for impeachment, which Biden at present does not support — made any extended discussion of the story potentially perilous for Biden.

Politico, NYT: "This New Trump Scandal Is Also An Old Biden Scandal, You Know"


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