Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Surprise: Politicization Of The Boston Bombing

No morning six pack today. It just doesn't seem right or proper, and I'm slammed with day job duties as well (and have been for weeks; it's a good problem to have).

Instead, I'll leave these thoughts from Red State's Dana Loesch on the grotesqueness of the media's response to yesterday's tragedy.
This isn’t journalism. This is speculation. It’s hackneyed. It’s malicious, unprofessional, and dangerous. The lack of professionalism demonstrated by the above should be enough to shame them forever from the profession, but the profession now thrives on tabloid-level “reporting.”

After a tragedy the normal person responds by falling to their knees in prayer. The compassionate person responds with concern for the affected. The professional reports the facts and differentiates between speculation and confirmation.

It is the desperate and professionally and spiritually anemic who heartlessly view tragedy as a chance to settle some imaginary score. These individuals are baselessly impugning innocent groups and in doing so, inadvertently impugn themselves and their profession.



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