Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Lombardi throws cold water on Saban to Cleveland rumors

In a radio interview earlier today with CBS Cleveland’s Baskin & Phelps, NFL Analyst Michael Lombardi dismisses the rumor that he is next in line to be the Browns’ General Manager.
“I haven’t talked to anyone” about the job, he says.

He then goes on to debunk the whole notion that Nick Saban would entertain the idea of returning to the NFL, with him or with anyone else.
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In another radio interview (still looking for a podcast), Lombardi was asked by 1310 The Ticket in Dallas about the rumor. Paraphrasing, Lombardi said “I will not be the Browns GM” and went on to say almost the same thing he told Baskin & Phelps about Saban:

I know Nick well and consider him a friend and have great respect for him. His decision to not sign Drew Brees was why he was not successful in the NFL. That said, he has done a great job at Alabama and I know he is happy there .I can’t speak for Nick but I don't think he would be looking to leave for the NFL."

This was also addressed yesterday.

It was also addressed by Nick’s wife Terry in an interview on the Smashmouth Radio show in Birmingham.

“To answer your question and get right to the point, no. We’re very comfortable here. We love it here. It’s a great fit for our family. It’s a good fit for me. As far as we’re concerned, this is where we’ll retire someday.

“As far as jobs go, this is it for us. I don’t mean to be presumptuous. I would have to talk this over with Nick, but as far as I’m concerned, this is it.”

This stuff comes up every year. Last year it was the Dallas Cowboys. Or, Texas. Or some other wet dream of rival fans sick of being processed every season. All it means is that Nick Saban is living –rent free – inside of their wobbly little heads.

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