Thursday, November 1, 2012

Wait wut? Nick Saban is on Facebook?

We don’t do a lot of recruiting coverage here until it gets close to national signing day. Recruiting coverage is very nearly a 24/7 activity. But every now and then, a nugget comes along that’s just too shiny to pass up, and this is one of them. In a Q&A session with the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the mother of highly coveted prospect Robert Nkemdiche opened up about her son’s recruitment and gave us this little WTF gem:

Why do you like Alabama? “Alabama has a good football team. And they’re solid. They have good academics. Right now, they are undefeated. And I’ve stayed in stayed in touch with their coach on Facebook. He is a good person. I like the school but again, I would prefer for Denzel and Robert to play together.”

We all know that Coach Saban would sooner die that tweet (Hi, Staci!) but who knew that he had a Facebook account?

Inquiring minds want to know: Who’s friends with Saban?


Grey Thompson said...

She might not be talking about Saban but Smart or another assistant coach. But I still kinda dount it's through facebook.
As an aside, if Clemson keeps him I think they will be able to solve a little of their biggest problem, a lack of defense. Well, maybe not, but at least from a recruiting standpoint they're on the right track. The only time I want 70 points in a game is when I'm bowling.

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