Thursday, November 8, 2012


At first, I didn’t think this was for real. But apparently, it is.

AUBURN - The Auburn football program has contracted with a private security firm to help enforce player curfews, an official with the company confirmed to The Advertiser.

Stanley Dallas, the Auburn Regional Manager of the Event Operations Group, confirmed members of his staff are working in conjunction with members of Auburn’s football player development department to “enforce” player curfews throughout the week.

The curfew has been a source of frustration for Auburn football players, many of whom have complained via social media, including last week during Halloween. Several tweets by players from that evening have since been deleted.

I wonder what Sheik Chizik will do next—make the cheerleaders wear burkas and habibs?

Comical stuff like this is the clearest indication of all that the staff has lost the team. Head coaches don’t need to resort to such draconian steps as using an outside contractor to enforce a curfew. Teams that have bought into what the coach is trying to do will discipline themselves and don’t need much supervision.

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