Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Police official demands inquiry into FSU player's threatening tweet

Police official demands inquiry into FSU player's tweets

Florida State football coach Jimbo Fisher is not the only person bothered by one of his player's posts about killing police officers on Twitter.

The president of Florida's Fraternal Order of Police, James W. Preston, has sent a letter to FSU President Eric Barron and athletic director Randy Spetman demanding that the university investigate and discipline the football player who made a post on the social networking site about killing police officers.

The player, sophomore defensive back Tyler Hunter of Valdosta, Ga., posted several times during an online rant after he was pulled over and issued a ticket in Tallahassee. In one of the tweets, he quoted a rap lyric: "We need to do like Cali n***** and kill cops."
Is Preston overreacting here?

Hunter is supposedly quoting a rap link, but as FieldHouseMedia points out, anything you put in a tweet is often taken as your own words.

More often than not, athletes' Twitter feeds are an embarrassing mess. One ill-conceived posting on social media can ignite a public and media firestorm.

Indeed, a lot of today's youth need to understand that your social media activity is fair game for background checks by future employers. Everything you tweet or post to Facebook goes into the dossier that a potential employer may use to judge your character.

Fair or not, that's life in the fast moving digital world. 

Maybe Preston is overreacting, but even at 19, Hunter should have known better.


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