Friday, August 10, 2012

Memphis official admits creating transcript for “student-athlete”


We mentioned this story yesterday.

Now comes this piece from the Memphis Commercial-Appeal, wherein we learn that a guidance counselor at the heart of the matter is copping to generating a transcript:

A Wooddale High guidance counselor admitted to creating a fraudulent transcript for a former student-athlete at the school and has resigned, according to a statement released Friday afternoon by Memphis City Schools.

The statement did not identify the player but was released to The Commercial Appeal in response to a question about former Wooddale and current Auburn University football player Jovon Robinson. The statement said the city was contacted by the NCAA on Tuesday afternoon regarding the allegation of a falsified transcript and that Supt. Kriner Cash assigned staff to investigate it.

The statement says the investigation continues.

We mentioned yesterday that there were just too many independent voices telling a similar story for this not to be legitimate.

The story linked above goes on to note that Auburn University has not responded to a request for a statement.

What’s also notable is that the allegations swirling earlier this week—that NCAA officials were in town and actively investigating—have now been confirmed by boots on the ground.


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