Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Troy AD Steve Dennis is bailing out

Troy AD Steve Dennis announces his resignation, no reason given
Published on Hicks Press Register | shared via feedly
"I have presented my resignation as director of athletics to Chancellor (Jack) Hawkins effective September 30,'' Dennis is quoted as saying in the news release. "Our athletic department has accomplished a great deal at Troy, and I believe this is the right time in my life to explore other opportunities.

"In announcing my departure, I thank the members of the coaching and support staffs of the Department of Athletics and I cannot thank Chancellor Hawkins enough for giving me this opportunity. He is a tremendous leader but most of all he is a great human being and it has been a privilege to work for and learn from him. I am sure that great things lie ahead for Trojan athletics and I look forward to watching the growth and maturity of the program in the years to come.''
Original via Tommy Hicks.

This is a curious development. Dennis has been on the job for more than seven years. There have been no major (announced) scandals and the program has done about as well as one could expect in the Sun Belt. The football program is on tap for a major renovation of its football stadium and the conference appears to be reasonably healthy.

So, why the abrupt resignation, with an effective date well after the beginning of the football schedule?

Maybe Dennis really does feel that he's accomplished all he can and that it's time to move onto other endeavors. Maybe not. Call it a hunch, but there sounds like there might be something else to this.


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