Renovation follows athletic success at Vanderbilt
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Read the rest.Now Vanderbilt might be making some of its biggest moves in the offseason.
At the football stadium, new artificial turf is being laid to go along with new lighting. The new Jumbotron that Franklin put at the top of his wish list soon will be going in, and the open end zone at the end of the horseshoe-shaped stadium is being turned into a new grassy berm for fans. Vanderbilt officials got the idea for the berm after a win at Wake Forest last season, and installing the berm using the grass from the field made it a cost-saving move.
Williams said the original plan was to install the upgraded lighting with the Jumbotron. Officials found enough money in reserves to proceed with changing the grass to turf, a move that will allow Vanderbilt to team with the Nashville Sports Council and bid to host Tennessee's high school football championships.
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