Friday, June 29, 2012

Morning Six Pack: June 29, 2012

imageWarm beer or cold coffee, it still goes down well while you enjoy these six college football stories from around the country.

With a playoff in place, it’s time to revisit player stipends

Money talk rises again.

Book Your Tickets To Nashville Now

Though college football's playoff is still a newborn, bids are already being assembled by cities and stadium authorities offering their services to host games, probably just because they're generous…

Rose Bowl to remain on ESPN through 2026

Grandaddy gets a 12 year extension.

Ex-Irish coach Brown pleads guilty

Former Notre Dame assistant football coach Corwin Brown, who is accused of striking his wife and holding her hostage, has pleaded guilty but mentally ill to confinement and domestic battery charges.

And now, we wait

Am I the only one who hopes that either one or both of the last two BCS seasons provide absolute GEM matchups?


Once the red eyes finally clear and the hangover wears off after the four-team playoff victory celebration, those who passionately sought the demise of the BCS will see its replacement as more political, more polluted with corruption, more convoluted and more controversial than its predecessor.

They'll scream even louder about what's wrong with the new system.

The strongest yells will come from our own backyard, because the Big Ten and Notre Dame are the biggest losers in this reconfiguration. An actual playoff rewarding performance more than personality effectively places a tombstone on Midwestern football relevance.

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