Remember: If you don’t get your morning sixer in, you’re already that far behind everyone else who’s seen these college football stories.
LULZ: The Sporting News defends its Coaches Rankings.
Not surprisingly, there has been a lot of reader feedback since Sporting News unveiled its 1-124 rankings of all the FBS coaches last week, and some of it has actually been clean enough to share with you today. Patterson, Brown, Gundy, Chizik and Dabo.
Nine more freshmen arrive to join Auburn’s 2012 signing class.
More of Auburn's 2012 signing class are lining up for early classes, training room duties and summer workouts.
NCAA considering need-based stipend for athletes
The NCAA is still trying to figure out how to work an additional athletic stipend into legislation. The proposal to allow conferences/schools to provide up to an additional $2,000 for athletes was initially passed last fall, but met enough opposition to warrant a suspension until a later date
Florida State’s Eric Barron should just STFU.
Are y’all gonna fish or cut bait? No further comment needed.
O'Brien Offers Glimpse Into Future on PSU Caravan
Bill O'Brien has quickly put to rest any notion that he plans to stick around as long as the last Penn State football coach.
Arkansas' Whitehurst released from scholarship
A once promising season has become a raging kitchen grease fire of a disaster. Arkansas coach John L. Smith says wide receiver Kane Whitehurst has been released from his scholarship.
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