Monday, April 9, 2012

Arkansas State Police Report on Petrino Crash Released

Full Document: State Police Report on Bobby Petrino Crash
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Four days ago (Thursday, April 5, 2012) the Arkansas State Police completed its investigation of a single-vehicle highway crash that occurred in Madison County last Sunday (April 1st) involving Robert Petrino and Jessica Dorrell.
Consistent with State Police procedures a copy of the investigative report was filed for public inspection.  At that juncture the State Police had fulfilled all statutory and internal policy obligations associated with the requirements of investigating a state highway crash.
Subsequently questions were directed to the State Police asking for information unrelated to the crash investigation.  Specifically the questions have focused on the phone call received by State Police Captain Lance King from an unknown female speaking from Coach Petrino’s phone and the chain of events involving any assistance Captain King may have rendered the day of the crash and in the days that followed.
On Friday, April 6th, Major Les Braunns, Commander of the State Police Highway Patrol Division (Western Region) met in Springdale with Captain King and requested Captain King provide a detailed narrative of his involvement with Coach Petrino, the events that occurred in the immediate aftermath of the crash and in the days preceding the completion of the crash investigative report.
A review of Captain King’s narrative provided to Major Braunns and copied to his supervisors, Colonel JR Howard, Director of the State Police and Lieutenant Colonel Tim K’Nuckles has been completed.
The statement from Captain King was not at anytime a part of any internal investigation.  The document was prepared as a means to be responsive to questions raised by representatives of the public.  It is noteworthy, based on the information contained within the narrative, that Captain King did not violate any State Police policy or state laws.
It is also noteworthy that Captain King’s narrative was provided this afternoon to Jeff Long, University of Arkansas Athletic Director to be used as Long may see necessary in his review of the chain of events that played-out last week.
Captain King was commissioned by the Arkansas State Police on September 21, 1987 and has been assigned to the northwest Arkansas area most of his career.  During the football season of 2003 he began working Razorback sideline assignments to provide security for the football team and coach.  Over the past two seasons Captain King has worked pre-game and game-day assignments with the football coach.  There is no permanent security detail assigned by the Arkansas State Police to the football coach.  
The cumulative information contained in both the memorandum and crash investigative report represents all evidence and facts known about Coach Petrino’s crash as it relates to the Arkansas State Police.
See the original report (including Lance King's statement) from here.


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