Friday, March 9, 2012

NCAA denies Tech appeal, upholds title vacation

NCAA denies Georgia Tech appeal; '09 ACC title still vacated
Published on CollegeFootballTalk | shared via feedly
It’s officially official: Georgia Tech is no longer the ACC’s champion for the 2009 season.  Nor is anyone else, for that matter.

Eight months after appealing the NCAA’s decision to sanction the football program for events that occurred in late 2009, the Yellow Jackets announced Friday that The Association has denied said appeal.  The NCAA handed down its ruling to the school earlier this morning.

The NCAA announced last July that the Yellow Jackets football program had been found to have committed three major violations: preferential treatment, stemming from a former Tech player-turned-sports agency employee giving impermissible benefits to a then-current player; failure to cooperate, stemming from the university allegedly “prepping” another player prior to his interview with the NCAA; and failure to meet the conditions and obligations of membership, a charge that was the result of Tech failing to withhold for three games the player who had received impermissible benefits.

Read the rest here.

Recall that the Georgia Tech case flew completely under the public and media RADAR, right up until the NCAA released the public report announcing the sanctions.

This case also resulted in Auburn University being all but forced to separate newly hired compliance official Paul Parker, who the NCAA concluded had been complicit in hindering the NCAA's investigation of the Yellow Jacket program while he was employed at Georgia Tech.


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