Saturday, March 24, 2012

Cyrus Kouandijo Ready to Step up?

Is Cyrus Kouandijo Ready to Step into the Left Tackle Role and Shine?
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Cyrus Kouandijo walked the sidelines of the BCS Championship Game and could only watch as his team mates fought and won yet another national championship. Though he was walking without a noticeable limp, there was no way the staff was going to let Cyrus risk his health or to be exact, his knee and risk losing him for 2012  as well. 

That wastough on Cyrus.

But with Barrett Jones expecting to take the role of center, that leaves the left tackle slot open and Cyrus Kouandijo can now step into the role that all Alabama knew he’d someday inherit as soon as he committed to the Tide.
 Read the rest of Larry Burton's piece here.


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