Sunday, February 12, 2012

Chilling email from former Miami booster Nevin Shapiro

NCAA investigation update: Nevin Shapiro rants from prison; UM optimistic
Published on Sports Buzz | shared via feedly

The angry e-mails this winter paint the picture of a man determined to destroy the UM football program. But UM remains optimistic he won't be nearly as successful as he claims he will be.

"The public is going to hate me worse in the next coming months," Shapiro, serving a 20-year sentence for a Ponzi scheme, wrote in numerous e-mails over the past few months. "It's going to be severe and catastrophic. My feelings are getting inflamed and I'm going to pop off pretty soon with regards to them and the NCAA. I'm coming for them both [UM and former players] and I'm going to be successful.

"I'm taking that program down to Chinatown and the former players and links to that program. Why? Because the U.S. government lined up 47 former players to testify against me in open court if I went to trial. That in itself is motivation to shove it up their collective [butts]."

Nobody at UM believes Shapiro when he claims "UM is getting the death penalty or damn close to it." 

Read the rest of the story here.


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