Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Ole Miss player under NCAA scrutiny

image During it’s ongoing peacekeeping mission in Mississippi’s Billboard War, the NCAA may have found a member of the Ole Miss faction in violation of its amateurism rules.

That’s right—Ole Miss is under NCAA scrutiny for potential rules violation. Ole Miss.

A story in the Clarion-Ledger this morning reports that officials are investigating whether a birthday party this month for freshman wide receiver/cornerback Nickolas “Snoop” Brassell violated league rules.

Snoop, aka “DA CHAMP,” celebrated his birthday on January 6 at the Locker Room Sports Bar & Grill. The party was promoted on a flier, using a photo of Brassell.

The flier made rounds on the internet and also became Brassell's Facebook profile picture. It also mentions a $10 cover charge for the party.

The incident was first reported on January 2 by the Clarion-Ledger.

When all the dust settles, this will likely be a secondary violation with no permanent impacts on Brassell’s eligibility, but anecdotally it appears that these things are popping with increasing regularity.

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