Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Sandusky waives preliminary hearing - plea deal coming?

Via the Associated Press and SportsIllustrated.com:
Published on SI.com - NCAA Football | shared via feedly
BELLEFONTE, Pa. (AP) -- Former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky has waived his preliminary hearing, a decision that moves him toward a trial on charges of child sex abuse. At least some of his 10 accusers had been expected to testify at the hearing.
While the report states that Sandusky's waiver moves him toward trial, it's more likely at this point that Sandusky will plead guilty and accept a negotiated sentence. Nate Bauer, writing for BlueWhiteIllustrated.com, tweeted that a retired law professor "guaranteed" that the sequence of events at the courthouse today mean Sandusky wants to deal.

Keep in mind that as heinous as the crimes are, Sandusky has no prior convictions and sentencing guidelines would probably limit his sentence as a result. Bauer indicates that his legal analyst believes a 10-year term is likely, meaning Sandusky might walk out of prison at 77 years old, a free man.


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