Thursday, December 1, 2011

Rolando McClain arrest is disturbing and disgusting (Video)

image Former Alabama linebacker and defensive star Rolando McClain has been arrested and charges with third degree assault, menacing, discharging a weapon in city limits and reckless endangerment. He was arrested Thursday and remained in custody, according to police.

The details surrounding the incident leading to the Oakland Raiders’ 2010 first round draft pick are disturbing. According to police, McClain got into an altercation with another man. After the altercation had ended, police say he retrieved a handgun and put it against the victim’s head while he was lying on the ground. The victim begged him not to kill him and McClain allegedly moved the weapon next to his ear, and fired.

And so will probably end a promising, lucrative career in the NFL. McClain came from a rough neighborhood in the north Alabama city of Decatur. He rose above those troubled beginnings and helped lead his team to the 2009 BCS Championship. He credited the tutelage and direction of Alabama head coach Nick Saban for helping him get his head on straight and learn how to be a man.

Here is McClain at the dedication of Saban’s statue last April, barely six months ago.

Exit question: WTF, Ro?

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ColorOfGrey said...

Rolo is a Raider now, hell it's almost a rite of passage.

Who knows. He's always been prone to taking things too personally and not being able to let them go. See Saban's response on it, sucks you can't fix a guy like Rolo but he's a good fit at the Raiders at least (and don't forget they're finally winning football games since they picked up Rolo).

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