Friday, August 26, 2011

Danny Sheridan to NCAA: “I’m not telling you $#!@, but what you got for me, bro?”

image The already bizarre story of Danny Sheridan and the Bagman has incredibly become even more bizarre. 

Sheridan made appearances on the Time Brando Show on Yahoo! Sports Radio and ESPN’s Outside the Lines today, in which he attempted to defend himself from media and fan attacks by claiming that he was told by sources inside the NCAA who the Bagman was in the Cam Newton case.

The NCAA has issued a terse, one-paragraph statement in response to Sheridan’s claims:

Danny Sheridan continues to make vague, unsubstantiated claims without backing them up with proof. Contrary to his claims of having an inside source with details on the Auburn investigation, the NCAA has not provided information to Sheridan or anyone else.  As a matter of due diligence, the NCAA spoke with Sheridan this week to determine if he had any facts pertaining to the investigation. Sheridan, however, did not provide any information to the enforcement staff and certainly did not provide a name. Instead, he unsuccessfully attempted to gather information for his own use.


Sheridan: “Hell no, I’m not giving the name of my source to you. But what other information can you provide me?”

NCAA: “We’re done. Get your azz outta here.”

This is bizarre on another level, too. The NCAA won’t comment publicly on any ongoing investigation. Except when it does. And in this case, it simply confirms what we already know—yes, there is an ongoing and apparently active investigation.

A friend told me today: “If the 2020 version of me called from the future and told me how this would end, I’m not sure I could believe it.”

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