Wednesday, April 27, 2011

AUBurgeddon: Will Bobby Lowder be the first AU Trustee to be a trusty?

JailAubie In a Letter to the Editor of the Auburn-Opelika Daily News, the Tuskegee News’ Owner/Publisher, Paul Davis nails it. Davis has been a frequent and vocal critic of Bobby Lowder’s interminable micromanagement of the affairs at Auburn University, and was the author of this seminal piece exploring the connections between Bobby Lowder, indicted super-lobbyist Robert Geddie, and the Tigers Unlimited Foundation, once headed by current Auburn Athletic Director, Jay Jacobs.

Every serious legal observer of the Taylor Bean & Whitaker and Colonial cases believe that the federal government is slowly but surely closing in on their biggest target. Sometime this summer, the last remaining assets of Colonial are likely to be liquidated in federal bankruptcy court, and the once mighty Colonial will be no more.

When that happens, all of the documents and evidence relating to Colonial’s final, nefarious dealings will finally see the light of day. They will no longer enjoy the shield of attorney-client privilege that has kept them from the public view since August 2009.

Several people have written and asked why I Bleed Crimson Red hasn’t weighed in on the recent appointment of Lowder to yet another term on the Auburn University Board of Trustees. The reason: I have no position one way or the other. As I see it, this is a matter that teh fambly needs to resolve.

If they want such a Shakespearean figure to remain on the governing board of their university, so be it. Maybe they deserve each other, or maybe they’re ready for some new blood.

I don’t care one way or the other.

I do however, think Davis’ question in the OA News bears repeating: Will Lowder be our first trustee to become a trusty?

Exit Question: Does Lowder’s nomination even reach the Senate floor and if so, does he survive a straight up-or-down vote? It’s really up to my barner friends to decide.

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