A woman who once served as the President of a now defunct chapter of Mothers Against Drunk Driving has been arrested and charged with driving under the influence. She wasn’t blowing a tipsy, buzzy 0.08, either.
Oh, no. She blew 0.234 and 0.239 in successive tests. In other words, she was arrested for driving while blind. Gainesville's MADD chapter—who had Oberlin as its President for three years—closed in 1996 due of lack of “financial support.” Uh huh.
When you’re drinking enough to blow almost three times the legal limit, those damned bar tabs can get expensive.
On a serious note, I applaud MADD’s effort to raise awareness and reduce the number of fatalities caused by seriously inebriated drivers—like this one. However, they were behind a national effort to reduce the legal limit from 0.10 to 0.08, and have vocally lobbied for even lower limits.
I view that as counterproductive. The real problem out there on the streets and highways are the rampant alcoholics who have the liver and tolerance to down enough booze to blow the levels she allegedly did, and still be conscious. It’s not the people who stop at the neighborhood bar for a couple of beers before heading home for dinner, or the petite lass who had two glasses of wine with her sushi.
Yep, advocacy groups like this are chock-a-block with hypocrites. Just like political parties.
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