Monday, December 20, 2010

Stars fell on Alabama: Solstice Lunar Eclipse Tonight (Live video)


image Most Alabamians will be treated to a rare spectacle just after midnight. It’s a total Lunar Eclipse, where the Moon falls into Earth’s shadow. The result is an eerie,Crimson Tide red glow, which is caused by light refracted by Earth’s atmosphere.

NASA will have a live video feed sometime tonight.

When that comes online, the feed will be embedded here for those of you who might be behind cloudy skies or can’t get out (or, like me, too lazy).

And, here it is. Unfortunately, Huntsville is likely to have clouds tonight.  So it looks like your beloved blogger is either going to have to stay up late or get up early…


The Crimson Tide: The Official Illustrated History of Alabama Football, National Championship Edition


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